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Business Leaders Speak to Students

This week, high school students had the opportunity to listen to local business leaders. Mrs. Sambs and Mrs. Frank, along with the Chamber of Commerce, worked together to bring these leaders into our school to discuss with students career opportunities right here in our community.

On Monday, May 18th, three businesses visited a select number of students to talk about jobs. Rob Strauss from Rob’s Performance Sports was the first guest speaker. He talked about what he looks for when hiring someone. He looks for a person with a good attitude and an even better work ethic.  His hiring practices have helped him become “National Dealer of Ski-Doo” in the country. Rob’s Performance is also voted to be one of the best paying businesses in Jefferson County. This comes with time, as he has been working for 31 years. Rob’s offers a variety of positions, such as accounting, marketing, office jobs, management, and administration.

Brad Glassel from American Family Insurance, was also here and talked about the different positions you can apply for. Some positions include,computer programming, Ccaims (damage adjuster, construction), and marketing (promotions). Brad has owned this agency for 8 years now.
Our final guest speaker on Monday was Ms.Borchardt from Jim’s Welding Repair (JWR). JWR is a business dealing with recycling. When they first started their business, it was all about repair and painting. JWR has been in business for 5 years now. They offer many jobs at their facility, which include; office, accountant, plant maintenance, parts specialist, installer, project management, and sales. JWR also hires high school students during the summer for part-time work.
On Tuesday, May 19th, Mr. DuClos from Rock River Powersports spoke to students. In 2000, Mr. DuClos bought the land and started his business. He says it has grown very well since then. When Mr.DuClos was younger, he worked for an Internet company. He worked for that business for 10 years before starting his own company. Mr. DuClos is looking for managers, sales people, marketers, and machinists to work for him.

Mr.Blakey from Midwest Electric was our next guest. He spoke about how people who are just starting for him and have finished high school are making on average $12.75 per hour. After completing your training, becoming proficient, and demonstrate longevity,  one has the potential to make $60,000 per year. Mr.Blakey will also hire students 16 and older to work for him in the summer.

Our final guest for Tuesday was Ms. Adams from Adams Asphalt. This business services asphalt plants in the area. To be successful in this company, one will have to be good at construction, reading a blueprint, electrical, and completing repairs on the job site without warning. This company requires people that have skills in welding, fabrication, and computer systems. High school courses that Ms. Adams recommends to prepare for a career is this area include math and shop classes. On average, a person will make $15.00 - $30.00 an hour.

On Thursday May 21st  Mr.Roehl from CNC Solutions presented to students. CNC Solutions has been in business for 15 years and is a robotics company. For every robot at their business, it creates 5 or 6 more jobs for people. This careers in this field are high paying, but to get in, one needs to take some core classes and be involved in clubs to help. Courses such as math, science, art, along with being involved in  SkillsUSA. CNC Solutions has 3 different companies around Johnson Creek. Characteristics  Mr.Roehl looks for in an employee include character, work ethic, experience, and education.

Our last speaker on Thursday was Mr.Wuestenberg from J & L Tire. J & L Tire started in 1990 and now has 3 shops in Johnson Creek. As their shop grew so did their process of fixing vehicles. Instead of writing everything down on a notepad, now every person has an iPad. J & L Tire does not only do tires,but are a full service shop. Things Mr.Wuestenberg looks for when hiring is teamwork and work ethic.

On Friday, May 22nd. Doug Huegerich from Master Mold spoke about his business, which has over 600 non-union workers. Some of the jobs available at Master Mold include; molding, bonding, painting, graphics, pinstriping, and assembly.

Ms.Ische from Tommy Hilfiger explained to students how the business was started in 1985 and since has grown into a national business, with locations across the country. The store in Johnson Creek is going on its 30th anniversary this year. Careers with this company consist of store manager, sales associate, and designing, along with many other positions through corporate offices.
Our final guest speaker was Robyn Newcomb from Badger Bank. Badger Bank was established in 1884. Math classes and accounting are recommended for a career in the banking field. Positions at Badger Bank include personal banker, teller, marketer, lender, and investment manager.

Thank you to all of the business leaders that took time to present to our students, and thank you to Leigh Price from the Chamber of Commerce, for helping to organize this week’s presentations.



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