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Cross Country Athletes Dash for Trash

You may have noticed that the Johnson Creek Cross Country team does a lot of running around the Village; on sidewalks, through parks, and on the walking path. While running their routes, the team starting paying attention to the amount of garbage on the sidewalks, on the curbs, and in the parks.

On Wednesday, September 16th, Coach Perucco and Coach Gawel gave the team route maps, trash bags, and gloves. The team was divided up into small groups in order to cover about 90% of the Village limits west of Hwy 26. The groups returned from their approximate 2 mile loop with full garbage bags, some even overflowing. In all, 12 bags of garbage were collected from the streets and parks of Johnson Creek.

Sophomore Varsity runner T.J. Christensen stated: "I thought it was awesome that I had the opportunity to help out and keep the community clean."

Sophomore JV runner Mackenzie Seeber said: "It was a fun way to practice and help out our community."

The team looks to make this an annual event each fall.

Johnson Creek Schools

Johnson Creek Schools

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