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PBIS Winners Recognized, Teachers/Principal Get Pie in the Face

On Friday, February 6, an assembly was held for middle and high school students to recognize their monthly and quarterly PBIS achievements.

The middle school winners were:
Vivian Segura - $5 gift certificate
Lily Webster - Water bottle and drawstring bag
Chris Buetow - $15 gift certificate
Logan Peot - Lunch line "Fast Pass"

The high school winners were:
Megan Lamke - $10 gift certificate
Anna Mares - Water bottle and drawstring bag
Avery Hombsch - $25 gift certificate
Hannah Weihert - Lunch with a friend, paid for by Mr. Vogel

All grades that had fewer office referrals in 2nd quarter vs 1st quarter also had the opportunity to vote on a teacher that would receive a pie in the face. A student was then drawn to throw the pie.

Pie throwers were:
9th grade - Brent Berger (Miss Sambs)
10th grade - Ryan Walling (Mr. Lauersdorf)
11th grade - Breanna Heintz (Mr. Benisch)
12th grade - Caitlin Purpi  (Mr. Vogel)

Students of the month were also voted on by the faculty. Students must exemplify the Blue Jay Way (Be Respectful, Be Prepared, Be Engaged) on a daily basis to become "Student of the Month."

Middle School Student of the Month: Cole Ducklow
High School Student of the Month: Breana Caminata



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