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Johnson Creek High School Scholarship Recipients

Scholarships were awarded to Johnson Creek High School seniors at the annual awards program on Friday afternoon.

Heading the list of local scholarships, five Max Alberts Scholarships for $4000 each were awarded.  The recipients were Caitlin Purpi, Taylor Emrath, Shelby Edl, Gwen Uselman, and Samantha Woodward.  Throughout high school each student has made positive contributions to the school and community.  Best wishes to each student as they continue their education.  

Caitlin participated in and held leadership positions in equestrian, basketball, track and field, National Honors Society, Student Council, and Student Government.  In addition, she was a member of the pep band and solo & ensemble.  She challenged herself in school by taking four advanced placement classes and one college class. She will continue her education at University of Iowa.

Taylor played volleyball, basketball, and softball throughout high school.  In addition, she participated in pep band, solo & ensemble, National Honors Society, and student council.  In each activity Taylor was elected to a leadership position.  She will continue her education at Wisconsin Lutheran College to reach her career goal of becoming a Veterinarian.

Shelby played volleyball and basketball throughout high school and she held leadership positions and earned awards in each sport.   She was also involved in jazz band, pep band, solo & ensemble, student council, and student government.  She will continue her education at UW Milwaukee and major in Kinesiology.

Gwen played volleyball and basketball throughout high school. She held a leadership position and earned awards in each sport.  She also participated in jazz band, honors band, pep band, solo & ensemble, art club, and National Honors Society throughout high school.  Gwen’s career goal is to be an influential role model to students and she will pursue this goal at UW Whitewater by majoring in Elementary Education.

Samantha played softball and she was involved in band, pep band, the school musical, art club, FBLA, student council, and FFA throughout high school.  In addition, she took rigorous courses including two advanced placement classes and two college courses.  She will continue her education at UW Eau Claire in a health field.


Erin Walsh received the Joe Davies Scholarship for $20,000.  Erin was involved in pep band, solo & ensemble, the school musical, FFA, Forensics, and National Honors Society.  She earned awards in FFA and Forensics.  Last summer she participated in a homestay in Japan where she learned more about the Japanese culture. She hopes to expand that experience as she furthers her education at UW Madison in the field of International Studies.


Additional Scholarships

  • Hunter Garsky - JCHS Performance Wrestling $250, Wisconsin Technical Excellence Scholarship, $500 Booster Club Scholarship, and Red Cross Scholarship $250

  • Gwen Uselman - Max Alberts $4000, Johnson Creek Education Association (JCEA) $750, Johnson Creek Auxiliary Unit# 305 Scholarship $160, $500 Booster Club Scholarship, and Wisconsin Covenant Scholar
  • Lindsey Goetz - Volunteers of UW Health Partners Watertown Regional Medical Center Scholarship $1000 and Arthur Albertz $500
  • Caitlin Purpi - Max Alberts $4000 and Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • Taylor Emrath - Max Alberts $4000, Jefferson County Masonic Lodge #9 $500, $500 Booster Club Scholarship, Wisconsin Covenant Scholar, WLC Presidential Scholarship $15,000, and WLC Endowed Scholarship $1000.
  • April Pitzner - Arthur Albertz $500 and Johnson Creek Chamber of Commerce $1250
  • Kate Evans - Johnson Creek Chamber of Commerce $1250, Francis F. Carnes $2000, and Wisconsin Covenant Scholar
  • Kayla Becker - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar
  • Shelby Edl - Max Alberts $4000, $500 Booster Club Scholarship, and Wisconsin Covenant Scholar
  • Samantha Woodward - Max Alberts $4000 and Wisconsin Covenant Scholar
  • Erin Walsh - Joe Davies $20,000 and Jefferson County 4-H Leader's Association $350

Kate Evans - Francis F. Carnes Scholarship

Taylor Emrath - Jefferson County Lodge #9

Erin Walsh - Joe Davies Scholarship

Erin Walsh - Jefferson County 4-H Leader's Association

Hunter Garsky - Performance Wrestling Club Scholarship

April Pitzner - Johnson Creek Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award

Kate Evans - Johnson Creek Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Award

Lindsey Goetz - Volunteers of Watertown
Regional Medical Center Scholarship

Jay Pitzner - Badger Boys State

Avery Hombsch - Badger Girls State

Gwen Uselman - Johnson Creek Auxiliary Post# 305 Scholarship

Elyssah Cook - Badger Girls State

Neva Semo - Paul Neathery Sr. Memorial Award

Alyssa Layton - Marine Corps/Distinguised Athlete Award

Taylor Emrath - National Scholar/Athlete Award (United States Army Reserve)

Taylor Emrath - Academic All Conferences

Avery Hombsch - Academic All Conferences

Arianna Wichman - Academic All Conferences

Hunter Garsky -WIAA Scholar Athlete

Caitlin Purpi - WIAA Scholar Athlete

Gwen Uselman - Senior Athletic Awards

Hunter Garsky - Senior Athletic Awards

Caitlin Purpi - Senior Athletic Awards

Shelby Edl - Senior Athletic Awards

Gwen Uselman - WIAA Scholar Athlete

Cameron Walling - WIAA Scholar Athlete

Gwen Uselman - JCEA Scholarship Award

Hunter Garsky - Red Cross Scholarship

Kayla Becker - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar

Shelby Edl - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar

Kate Evans - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar

Gwen Uselman - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar

Sammi Woodward - Wisconsin Covenant Scholar

April Pitzner - Arthur Albertz Scholarship Award

Lindsey Goetz - Arthur Albertz Scholarship Award

Caitlin Purpi - Max Alberts Scholarship Award

Taylor Emrath - Max Alberts Scholarship Award

Shelby Edl - Max Alberts Scholarship Award

Sammi Woodward - Max Alberts Scholarship Award

Gwen Uselman - Max Alberts Scholarship Award

Avery Hombsch receives the Key of Knowledge from Senior President Caitlin Purpi



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