Breaking News

National Honor Society Week

National Honor Society students were spotted around campus this past week as they were observing NHS Week.

To kick off the week, students began with a campus wide cleanup, in which they collected trash from the grounds of the high school as well as the elementary. NHS students also hosted an ice cream social for all high school students and teachers, as well as hosted a breakfast for staff members. All NHS students also went to the elementary and read to the students.

New inductees were also recognized at the Induction Ceremony on Wednesday, May 20th. Those students include: Alexander David, Elysa Doherty, Joshua Kupsche, Victoria Nizzi, KaitlynWoodward

Some photos from the week are below:

Students being served at the ice cream social

Campus cleanup

Campus cleanup

Campus cleanup

Campus cleanup

Campus cleanup

Staff breakfast

Staff breakfast

Erin reads to elementary students



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