Breaking News

On-site Work for New School has Begun

On-site work has begun for the new school!
Wondra Excavating has started preparing our site for the construction of the new school.
 • Weather permitting Wondra’s work will include prepping the site for the domes, creating retention ponds and grading for our roadways and parking lots.
• Depending upon the weather and the progress they can make, Wondra may also be able to get the water and sewer pipes in place

Dome constructor has been chosen! 
 • After a proposal process and interview, the School Board chose South Industries to build the domes.
 • South Industries is very experienced in this type of construction with the company’s founder being one of the patent holders on the dome construction process.
 • South Industries will begin Dome construction in Early Spring.
 • South Industries will use a mix of their current staff and local laborers.

Next Phases of the Construction Process 
 • Continue to finalize the floor plans.
    o After reviewing our project with several contractors and energy experts, it was determined that the pay back (time it would take to recover the investment) on geothermal heating versus traditional high efficiency boilers was 50-150 years. This would have been over a $1 million dollar investment.
    o Finalize the classroom layouts.
• Architects and Engineers will develop shop drawings and the rest of the project will be bid out in January.
• Meet with Jefferson County Highway Department Engineers to finalize the driveway access to Hwy B and the Hwy B construction.
 • Meet with the Village officials to finalize the site plan.

Athletic Fields 
 • The Board’s Athletic Fields Ad Hoc Committee is working with a marketing and design firm to develop a fundraising plan for the Athletic Fields
• Soon, a website will be developed which will provide information about the fundraising efforts.
• This fall, the first ever Run for the Fields was held.
• Donations can be sent to the District Office and are being kept in a designated fund.

 As stated before, the new facility is a long term asset for the community and your School Board and Administrative Team are committed to making the best decisions based on the most current information. Watch for another update in the next issue of the Jay and once the dome construction begins, our website will also have a camera view of the process.


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