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Homecoming Recap

Homecoming - From a student's perspective...


On Monday the students of Johnson Creek High School got all dressed up for "'Murica day." This day officially started the Homecoming week for JC High. We had some fun outfits such as girls wearing flag leggings, flag ties, and anything flag related. The one that stood out the most was Jay Pitzner's outfit. He was wearing daisy dukes, an American shirt and a headband. At lunch we had a fun game of Stud Volleyball (seniors vs. freshmen and juniors vs. sophomores). The results of those matches were the seniors and juniors coming out as the winners. However,  in the final round, juniors came away with a victory!


Tuesday's lunch event was a game of powder puff football. Girls in each grade were coached by members of the football team. The seniors played against the freshman and the juniors played against the sophomores. The seniors beat the freshmen without any trouble and the sophomores lost to the Jjniors in sudden death. Tuesday’s dress up day was "Senior Citizen/ St. Vinnie's Day",  in which the seniors won with 68% of their class participating. The freshmen came in second with 41%, the junior class came in third with 38%, and the sophomores came in last with only 25% of their class participating in the dress up theme. 


Wednesday was "Decades Day" the juniors won with 46 points. Trailing close behind was the seniors with 41 points, The sophomores had 43 points and freshmen finished the day with 44. All so close, but in the end the juniors pulled out a victory. The senior’s dress up decade was the 20’s in which many wore flapper outfits and old school gangster outfits. Junior’s had the 80’s and their outfits consisted of spandex, bright neon colors, big hair and lots of makeup. The Sophomore's had the 60’s and wore tie-dye and “hippie” type clothing. The Freshmen had the 70’s and they wore baggy clothing and demonstrated "chill vibes." Wednesday was an early release, so there were no lunch games.

Thursday has traditionally been a time for students to work on decorating their assigned hallways and to construct a float. These activities encourage teamwork and creativity. The floats are then displayed in the parade that evening. Following the parade, people had the opportunity to view the decorated hallways.

For the float the juniors took first place for their creativity with the 80’s. The best part about the junior's float was the Rubik's cube with a blue jay popping out of it. The senior's float, which took second, consisted of mannequins dressed up like they would've been in the 1920’s, driving in a classic car.  Freshman took third with their 60’s mystery machine cruising down the parade route, while  sophomores came in last with their groovy 70’s float that was filled up with balloons and peace signs.

The hallways were the same for scoring. The juniors received first place and had a lot going on. The seniors took second, freshman took third, and sophomores came in last.

Thursday night the village of Johnson Creek celebrated with a parade. Each club and sports team was involved in the celebration. Each grade 9-12th elected representatives that also rode in the parade. The freshman representatives were: Briana Caminata and Jeremy Wagie. The sophomore reps were: Alexia Wollet and Desmond Holleman. The junior reps were: Jessika Bunter and Evan Kapitz. The senior reps were: Alyssa Layton and Cameron Walling, and finally the King and Queen were: Gwen Uselman and Shawn Faubel. Sue Purpi and Marti Purpi were the parade marshals, who helped to organized the parade. The Johnson Creek public services “Police, Fire and EMS” were also involved in representing our community.

Powder puff:
Following the parade, the seniors and juniors competed in a game of flag football we call powder puff. Senior Shelby Edl intercepted a ball and made two touchdowns, winning the game for the seniors. The final score was 12 to 0.

After powder puff, a game of tug-o-war started off between the freshmen and seniors. The seniors won with ease. Next it was the juniors v.s sophomores, with the juniors coming out ahead. The final round of tug-o-war was between the two winners; the seniors and the juniors. That round was very close. It looked as if the juniors were going to win at first, but the seniors pulled through in the end and won. It was a dramatic battle that actually lasted a decent amount of time. To conclude the night, the dads took on the football players. After a good fight, the dads ended up winning.

Friday Morning Johnson Creek High School held a breakfast/pep rally for all students. After the breakfast there was a ceremony for all athletes to wish them luck with their games. A few students and coaches talked about how they remember the past years and how its all changed. During the students' lunch break, a relay race was held in the high school gym. Friday concluded with a great turn out to support the Blue Jays as they took on the Bulldogs.

High school students had an opportunity to attend the homecoming dance, held at the high school.

Elementary Dress Up Days

Western Day:
Students attend the "Pops" assembly in their western outfits.
Pajama Day:

60's Day:

Spirit Day:

-JC Scroll Staff


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