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Middle School Students Integrate Science and Technology

Eighth grade students in Mrs. Heckel's science class have been learning about chemical reactions this week. They started out with Mr. Zachgo (high school chemistry teacher) coming in and presenting to the students and performing various demonstrations for the class. Mr. Zachgo's exciting presentation was the initial spark for creativity and inspiration.

Mr. Zachgo demonstrating to Mrs. Heckel's 8th grade science class.

After hearing from Mr. Zachgo, students then worked with Mrs. Heckel to put various chemical reactions to test. Using baking soda and vinegar, students measured how different amounts of each would produce various amounts carbon dioxide. The students measured a specific amount of vinegar into a balloon and then placed the balloon carefully over a small beaker filled with baking soda. After the carbon dioxide was dispensed into the balloon, students then measured the circumference. Students then used their ChromeBooks to create a spreadsheet in Google Docs. What's different about this spreadsheet, however, is it is a class collaborative effort in which all students are able to work on the same spreadsheet at the same time. This allows students to quickly gather all data and create one graph very quickly, giving a more accurate representation of data. This is something new that students are able to do this year, now that students have 1 to 1 Chromebooks in grades 4 thru 8. This also applies to the Next Generation Common Core Science Standards, which are being met in the district's new SEAT (Science, Engineering, Agriculture, and Technology) rotation.
8th grade students graphing the results of their experiment.



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